Peak Performance
A prime number is indivisible by any number other than itself or one.
Aegis Prime is indivisible by anything that isn’t itself or one as well. PC gaming brings a new element to your game room, all at affordable pricing and scalable deployments.
Available Today!
Standard Division
Great for eSports, casual gaming, and emulation.
Our S-Division Machines give your event the ability to step into the PC Gaming World without having to destroy budgets.
These machines are older, but still provide a thoroughly enjoyable experience and can be deployed at volume, at budget-friendly prices. -
Advanced Division
Great for eSports, upper-midranged titles, and just about anything under the sky.
Our A-Division machines punch up to the next level with up to 200% higher performance than our S-Division Machines.
All common titles are easily playable and these machines are guaranteed to come equipped with high-refresh rate monitors for an enhanced gaming experience.
Coming Soon!
Minecraft Division (Coming Late 2024)
Give your attendees the ability to express themselves!
These machines also come with a dedicated server that allows us to capture the essence of their spirit to pass onto your marketing department.
Royal Division (Coming 2025)
Royal. Elegant. Powerful.
When you need zero compromises, turn to the Royal Division.Supremely powerful hardware.
If you wish, pair with Aegis Vision Flight 3 and get the very best that the PC and VR Worlds have to offer.